Just over 10 years ago, Daniel Abadi proposed a new way of thinking about the engineering tradeoffs behind building scalable, distributed systems. According to Abadi, this new model, known as the PACELC theorem, comes closer to explaining the design of NoSQL systems than the well-known CAP theorem.

Watch this webinar to hear Daniel’s reflections on PACELC ten years later, explore the impact of this evolution and learn how ScyllaDB Cloud takes a unique approach to support modern applications with extreme performance and low latency at scale.


Speaker bio

dan abadi
Daniel Abadi, Darnell-Kanal Professor of Computer Science
Daniel Abadi is the Darnell-Kanal Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, where he performs research on database system architecture and implementation, especially at the intersection with scalable and distributed systems. He is best-known for the development of the storage and query execution engines of the C-Store (column-oriented database) prototype and deterministic, scalable, transactional, distributed systems such as Calvin. An ACM Fellow and recipient of numerous awards, Abadi received his PhD in 2008 from MIT. He blogs at DBMS Musings and tweets at @daniel_abadi.
andrew brown
Andrew Brown, Director of Product Marketing at ScyllaDB
A Director of Product Marketing at ScyllaDB, Andrew has been working with distributed systems in roles across product development and product marketing for two decades, with a focus on developer experience and product-led growth.

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