Expert tips on how to maximize your database performance at scale

Untangle the complexity of achieving database performance at scale. Join this webinar to discover commonly overlooked ways to get predictable low latencies, even at extreme scale. Our Solution Architects will walk you through the strategies and pitfalls learned by working on thousands of real-world distributed database projects, many reaching 1M OPS with single-digit MS latencies.

In addition to offering clear recommendations for achieving low latency, we’ll also explain the process behind how we arrived at them – so you can benefit from the lessons learned by other teams.

We’ll cover how to achieve low latency in addition to:

  • Design and deploy a large-scale distributed database cluster
  • Optimize your clients’ interactions with it
  • Expand the cluster horizontally and globally
  • Ensure it survives whatever disasters the world throws at it



Speaker photo

Felipe Cardeneti Mendes
Solutions Architect

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Guilherme da Silva Nogueira
Solutions Architect