Deep Dive on DynamoDB Pricing

Alex Debrie, Author of The DynamoDB Book, Debrie Advisory

Alex explains DynamoDB’s pricing approach and why he loves it. Then, he shares tips for optimizing costs at both the macro level (things you can do inside the DyamoDB console) and at the micro level (optimizations for individual requests). He also touches on how DynamoDB’s pricing should change the way that you build your applications.

Well Architected for NoSQL

Miles Ward, CTO at SADA

Miles, who worked on DynamoDB in its early days, shares his take on where DynamoDB is an excellent choice, and when companies should seek other options. In addition to cost factors, he looks at other migration motivations such as the need to move to different cloud, or on-prem.

ScyllaDB as a DynamoDB Alternative

Felipe Cardeneti Mendes, Technical Director at ScyllaDB

Felipe provides a technical look at ScyllaDB as a DynamoDB alternative. He starts off by exploring when ScyllaDB is overkill. He then compares and contrasts the two databases at a technical level. After outlining the 5 most common reasons teams move from DynamoDB to ScyllaDB, he shares practical migration strategies and discusses the key tradeoffs of each.

Panel Discussion

Our round table discussion with Alex Debrie, Miles Ward, and Felipe Cardeneti Mendes.