Discover new ways to optimize database performance – and avoid common pitfalls – in this free 270-page book.

This book shares best practices for achieving predictable low latency at high throughput. It’s based on learnings from thousands of real-world database use cases – including Discord, Disney, Strava, Expedia, Epic Games & more.

  • Explore often-overlooked factors that impact database performance at scale
  • Recognize the performance challenges teams face with different types of workloads
  • Select database infrastructure and topology that’s suited to your needs
  • Optimize how you benchmark and monitor performance
  • Avoid common mistakes that impact latency and throughput
  • Get practical advice for navigating performance tradeoffs


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Hear what readers are saying about Database Performance at Scale

Damn, this is an excellent resource. Lots of interesting stuff + frank discussion of how to truly evaluate different database options.”
- Alex Debrie
A worthy companion to the Database Internals book!”
- Pekka Enberg
The book introduces you to the world of highly scalable databases with all the caveats of measuring, planning, and designing their usage and deployments. And it does so in a really good way, sprinkling nice humor here and there and showing how a well-managed scalable DB will behave if you treat it right.”
- Szymon Kulec
Just completed this book, and it's brimming with wisdom.”
- Aleh Struneuski
Glad it has a practical touch to it – helps people dealing with DBs much as it has ready-to-implement items. A delight for system design folks as well as any curious individual.”
- Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
Excellent bit of poolside reading!”
- Sam Lightfoot